`FLAGS` ===== NOTE: flags are turned "OFF" by the leading dash ===== -TRACE -COLOR -MONO -INSERT -ASCII `FLAGS` `TITLE` HYTEXT shareware documentation - 9/15/89 `TITLE` `BEGIN` ===== this is the opening topic ===== ============================================================================ HYTEXT v2.8 Hypertext Development System for MS-DOS Copyright 1988, 1989 by Medical Decisions Software =========================================================================== ~HOW TO NAVIGATE~0~#basic~ ~SHAREWARE~0~share~ ~INTRODUCTION~0~start~ ~OVERVIEW~0~overview~ ~COMMANDS~0~comm~ ~TEXT FORMAT~0~form~ ~FILE NAMES~0~file~ ~HINTS~0~hints~ ~HYTFAST~0~fast~ ~HYTEST~0~test~ ~EXAMPLE~0~example1~ ~YOUR FIRST HYPERTEXT~0~first~ ~DISCLAIMER~0~dis~ ~SPECIFICATIONS~0~spec~ ~MD SOFTWARE~0~mds~ ~QUIT THIS HYPERTEXT~0~EXIT~ ============================================================================= `BEGIN` `#browse` - BROWSING - The hypertext reader may browse through a document passing over certain topics while pursuing other information. `#browse` `#basic` - BASIC COMMANDS - arrow keys - select hot words ---- jump to next topic ------ jump back to last topic ----- context sensitive help ------ activate bar menu `#basic` `#level` - LEVEL OF DETAIL - The level of detail can be controlled by the use of hypertext jumps, pop-up notes, and expansion text. `#level` `#xtext` - EXPANSION TEXT - One or more lines of text can be selectively hidden or displayed as needed by the reader. This is one more way the author can allow the reader to control the level of detail. `#xtext` `#tilde` - TILDE - The tilde character can not be used in a topic except to mark hot words. `#tilde` `#card` - EXAMPLE CARD - Press any key to continue... `#card` `#edit` - YOUR EDITOR - Be sure your editor has a "plain text" mode and use it every time you edit a ".htx" file. For example: use the "N" non-document option in WordStar instead of the "D" document option. `#edit` `#hytfast` - HYTFAST - The hypertext "compiler" creates a "fast" hypertext suitable for day to day use or distribution. Remember NOT to edit a ".htf" file! `#hytfast` `#hyt` - HYT.EXE - This is a "miniHYTEXT", copies of which can be given away to your readers if you are registered with MD SOFTWARE. This file MUST be present for HYTFAST to build an end-user hypertext. `#hyt` `#hytext` - HYTEXT - Use HYTEXT to view your hypertext: C> hytext filename (".htx") or C> hytext -f filename (".htf") `#hytext` `#noscore` - SCORELESS HYPERTEXT LINKS - Use the value "000" for a link which should NOT be included in the overall hypertest score. A value of "0" WILL be added to the total score and used for the average and precentage. `#noscore` `#ultopic` - UNLINKED TOPICS - A topic which is not associated with a hot word. The BEGIN topic is usually unlinked. Other unlinked topics may need to be deleted to save space. This is a non-fatal error. `#ultopic` `#duplabel` - DUPLICATE LABELS - A label is associated with more than one topic. This is a non-fatal error. HYTEXT will jump to the first occurance and all others will be ignored. Duplicates waste space! `#duplabel` `#ulhotw` - UNLINKED HOT WORDS - A hot word with no place to go! This is a fatal error and should be looked into! The end-user application will NOT be built. `#ulhotw` `#oversiz` - OVERSIZE LINES - Under HYTEXT, each line can contain up to 118 characters of which 78 can be displayed. This is a fatal error! Be VERY careful not to go beyond these limits. The end-user application will NOT be built. `#oversiz` `start` HYPERTEXT can be defined as the NON-LINEAR, HIERARCHICAL presentation of information. In contrast, a book represents the most well known LINEAR system for information storage and access. One tends to use a ~book~0~book~ by preceding from beginning to end. The most sophisticated internal references a book usually contains are the table of contents and index. A concept on one page has no direct way to reference another concept on a different page. This is not true with a ~hypertext~0~hyper~. A page can contain HOT WORDS which are directly linked to related TOPICS anywhere in the document. These hidden topics can be viewed by selecting the hot word in question. Any topic may contain one or more hot words and so the thread of reference continues. The self-referential hot word/topic structure used in a hypertext lends itself to a hierarchical or ~tree-like arrangement of information~0~tree~. In addition, various branches of these information trees can be cross- linked or ~tangled~0~ttree~. Instead of accessing information in a linear fashion the user of a hypertext may skip between several different pages in several different documents. A properly constructed hypertext will allow the user to control the level of detail with which information is presented. Information retrieval becomes more rapid and direct. HYTEXT provides both a ~hypertext development environment~0~overview~ and an ~end-user hypertext interface~0~#hyt~. Hypertext material is developed as a "program" which is then ~interpreted by HYTEXT~0~#hytext~. Almost ~any word processor~0~#edit~ can be used as long as it produces plain ASCII text. Simple ~hot word and topic~0~form~ specifications transform any text file(s) into true hypertext! `start` `book` BOOK #===============# -----> #===============# | PAGE 1 | | | PAGE 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | #===============# ------ #===============# ------> etc... `book` `hyper` HYPERTEXT #===============# -----> #===============# | TOPIC 1 | | | TOPIC 2 | | | | | | | | | | hot word 3 ---------> etc... | hot word 1 ---------- | | | hot word 2 ------- | hot word 4 ---------> etc... | | | | | #===============# | #===============# | --------> #===============# | TOPIC 3 | | | | | | hot word 5 ---------> etc... | | | | #===============# `hyper` `tree` LEVEL 2 TOPIC LEVEL 2 TOPIC | | |______hot 3_______hot 4_____| | LEVEL 1 TOPIC LEVEL 1 TOPIC | | |__________hot 1_______hot 2__________| | | ROOT TOPIC SIMPLE TREE STRUCTURE Using hot words and topics `tree` `ttree` /LEVEL 2 TOPIC LEVEL 2 TOPIC / | | hot 5 |______hot 3_______hot 4_____| / | LEVEL 1 TOPIC / LEVEL 1 TOPIC | | |__________hot 1_______hot 2__________| | | ROOT TOPIC TANGLED TREE STRUCTURE Using hot words and topics `ttree` `overview` SYSTEM OVERVIEW ~Your Editor~0~#edit~ <--- filename.htx ---> ~HYTEXT~0~#hytext~ | | ^ v | ~HYTFAST~0~#hytfast~ | | | "-f" Switch | | v | filename.htf ------- | "-b" Switch | | ----------> Your Hypertext (.htf) ~HYT~0~#hyt~ Engine ----------------------> Hypertext Engine (.exe) 1) Edit Hypertext with Your Editor 2) View Hypertext with HYTEXT 3) Compile Hypertext with HYTFAST 4) Build Free Standing Hypertext Document `overview` `file` HYPERTEXT FILE NAMES All the files used by the HYTEXT system have special "last names" or extensions. To write a hypertext called "mytext", create a file named "mytext.htx". TYPE EXTENSION HYTEXT FLAG ============================ ========= =========== hypertext source document ".htx" no flag hypertext compiled document ".htf" "-f" hypertest document ".hts" "-s" hypertest session listing ".lst" hypertest session summary ".sum" `file` `example1` This is a page of plain text... ============================================================================= HYTEXT provides a means to navigate through a document in a directed and intuitive way. The hypertext author is able to assist her reader by providing conceptual links between topics. A well constructed hypertext allows the reader to direct his search for information. Hypertext lends itself to browsing. The level of detail provided is automaticly determined by each reader. ============================================================================= ~Press to continue...~0~example2~ `example1` `example2` This is page 1 of hypertext... ============================================================================= HYTEXT provides a means to navigate through a document in a directed and intuitive way. The hypertext author is able to assist her reader by providing ~conceptual links~0~example4~ between topics. A well constructed hypertext allows the reader to direct his search for information. Hypertext lends itself to browsing. The level of detail provided is automaticly determined by each reader. ============================================================================= Press to continue... `example2` `example3` The last page of hypertext... ============================================================================= HYTEXT provides a means to navigate through a document in a directed and intuitive way. The hypertext author is able to assist her reader by providing conceptual links between topics. A well constructed hypertext allows the reader to direct his search for information. Hypertext lends itself to browsing. The ~level of detail~0~#level~ provided is automaticly determined by each reader. . . Expansion text contains hidden details ============================================================================= Press to display/hide ~expansion text~0~#xtext~... . . Press to return to the opening topic... `example3` `example4` This is page 2 of hypertext... ============================================================================= HYTEXT provides a means to ~navigate~0~#basic~ through a document in a directed and intuitive way. The hypertext author is able to assist her reader by providing ~conceptual links~0~example3~ between topics. A well constructed hypertext allows the reader to direct his search for information. Hypertext lends itself to ~browsing~0~#browse~. The level of detail provided is automaticly determined by each reader. ============================================================================= Use the and arrow keys to select a HOT WORD, then press to continue or to go back. `example4` `first` YOUR FIRST HYPERTEXT The file FIRST.HTX contains a simple two topic hypertext for you to experiment with. Use any text editor which has an ASCII text mode. Add new HOT WORDS and TOPICS and then use HYTEXT to see the results. To run your first hypertext from MS-DOS type: "hytext first" ~RUN FIRST.HTX~0~@hytext -o first~ ~VIEW FIRST.HTX~0~$first.htx~ ~EXIT TO EDIT FIRST.HTX~0~EXIT~ `first` `comm` COMMANDS There are three types of commands: ~command line switches~0~line~ ~keyboard commands~0~key~ ~menu commands~0~menu~ `comm` `line` COMMAND LINE SWITCHES hytext file ---------- no options (".htx") hytext -a file ------- ASCII printer (no special codes) hytext -c file ------- color display (CGA/EGA) hytext -f file ------- ~"fast" hypertext~0~fast~ (".htf") hytext -m file ------- mono display (non-Hercules) hytext -o file ------- omit opening screen hytext -s file ------- ~hypertest~0~test~ (".hts") hytext -t ------------ built in tutorial hytext -? ------------ help screen `line` `key` KEYBOARD COMMANDS The keyboard commands are all located on the numeric keypad: , , , and ------ select hot words and ---- scroll long topic -------------- jump to next topic ---------------- jump back one topic --------------- context sensitive help ------------- insert mode on/off ------------- start over at opening topic In addition, this key is sometimes located on the keypad and sometimes located in the upper left corner of the keyboard: ---------------- activate ~bar menu~0~menu~ `key` `menu` MENU COMMANDS Browse Hot Words ------- display only lines containing hot words File Info ------- hypertext file/path information Print Print Topic ----- print current topic Print Cards ----- print current topic cards Print Path ------ print all topics in jump path Setup Trace Mode ------ trace each jump (label/file) MGA Display ----- monochrome compatible display CGA Display ----- color compatible display HGA Display ----- Hercules compatible display ASCII Printer --- generic printer (no special codes) EPSON Printer --- Epson printer Exit ----------------- quit current session `menu` `stant` A HYTEXT hypertext file contains one or more TOPICS. The opening topic is always labeled "BEGIN". A topic may contain links to other topics via HOT WORDS. Hot words are displayed as highlighted text. They are associated with link information and serve as the jumping off point to the next topic. HOT WORDS ...text ~~0~#tilde~hot wordnumberlabel text... The hot word will be set of from the other text. If this hot word is selected HYTEXT will jump to the specified label in the specified file (file number 0 is the primary file). The tilde character can NOT appear elsewhere in the text file. The hot words must all appear on one line. `test9` TOPICS `label` comment topic line 1 . . expansion text 1 . . expansion text 2 topic line 2 topic line 3 `label` The label is the same as that associated with the appropriate hot words. The comment is ignored. The label declaration MUST appear at the left margin. A back quote in the first column (left margin) must always be part of a topic label. Label declarations which appear within a topic will be passed over. In this example, any of the three topic lines might contain one or more hot words. One or more lines of ~expansion text~0~#xtext~ can be included in a topic. These lines will only appear if the key is pressed and the insert mode is turned on. A line of expansion text is designated by a leading "." period. These lines MAY contain additional hot words. Press to see an example. `test9` `stant` `form` ======= text format topic ======= TEXT FORMAT ============================================================================ There are five types of topics and four topic modifiers: ~standard topic~0~stant~ (no modifier) ~card topic~0~cardt~ (# modifier) ~text topic~0~textt~ ($ modifier) ~program topic~0~progt~ (@ modifier) ~system topic~0~systt~ (% modifier) There are also six reserved labels, one is required in every hypertext. The others are useful options: ~BEGIN~0~beginl~ (required) ~FILES~0~filesl~ ~FLAGS~0~flagsl~ ~TITLE~0~titlel~ ~BACK~0~backl~ ~EXIT~0~exitl~ `form` `cardt` CARD `#label` A ~card~0~#card~ is a small topic which will be superimposed near the hot word which was linked to it. The # character must precede the card label. A card can NOT contain hot words. Cards are used for short definitions and explanations. A card may contain up to 8 lines and 40 columns. `cardt` `textt` TEXT `$label` Any external text file can be linked to any hot word using the text topic. The user may scroll up and down through these files but they can NOT contain hot words. The $ character must precede the text label. The label can be any legal MS-DOS file name (filename.ext). `textt` `progt` PROGRAM ...hot words0@program arguments... The @ modifier allows HYTEXT to run ~another program~0~@hello~. The program name and any arguments are separated by single spaces. When the called program exits you will return to the hypertext right where you left off. `progt` `systt` SYSTEM ...hot words0@command arguments... The % modifier allows HYTEXT to run a ~MS-DOS command~0~%dir *.ht?~. The command name and any arguments are separated by single spaces. When the command is done you will return to the hypertext right where you left off. `systt` `beginl` BEGIN (required) `BEGIN` The opening topic is always labeled "BEGIN". It is otherwise identical to any other topic. It can appear anywhere in the primary file and it may be one or more lines long. It must contain one or more hot words or your hypertext will not get past the first page. `beginl` `filesl` FILES (optional) `FILES` file.1 file.2 `FILES` The files topic must appear somewhere in the primary file. Secondary file(s) are numbered in the order (1, 2, etc...) they are listed. The file number is used as part of a hot word declaration. `filesl` `flagsl` FLAGS (optional) `FLAGS` TRACE INSERT COLOR MONO ASCII `FLAGS` The flags topic must appear somewhere in the primary file. This topic is used to over ride certain HYTEXT defaults: TRACE ------ force trace mode on INSERT ----- force insert mode on COLOR ------ force color display MONO ------- force mono display ASCII ------ force non-Epson printer Each flag MUST appear at the left margin on a line by itself! `flagsl` `titlel` TITLE (optional) `TITLE` This optional topic identifies the hypertext for the end-user module. The first line of this topic will appear in the bar menu at the top of the screen. All other lines are ignored and can be used as comments. Note that this is the only place to leave comments that will not be stripped by the hypertext compiler. `titlel` `backl` BACK (optional) This label will jump back one level in the hypertext tree. The effect is the same as pressing the key during a HYTEXT session. This label will be ignored if the jump level is zero. `backl` `exitl` EXIT (optional) This label will close the current hypertext and exit the system. The user is returned to the MS-DOS prompt. `exitl` `fast` HYTFAST - hypertext pseudo-compiler ============================================================================ Once a hypertext is written and debugged it can be compiled into a "fast" hypertext using HYTFAST. The syntax is: hytfast file ------------- compile hypertext hytfast -v file ---------- verbose mode hytfast -b file ---------- build end-user application hytfast file >list ------- save listing to a text file ~SAMPLE SESSION~0~sess~ ~HYTFAST DEMO~0~@hytfast -v first~ Where the input file is "file.htx" and the output file is "file.htf". The ".htf" hypertext may be run using the "-f" HYTEXT flag. Needs the ~HYT.EXE~0~#hyt~ module to build an end-user application. NOTE: Do not attempt to edit a ".htf" file. Any change in the file will produce unpredictable results. Edit the source ".htx" file and recompile using HYTFAST. `fast` `sess` #====================================================# | H Y T F A S T v1.6 -- hypertext pseudo-compiler | | Copyright 1988-89 by Medical Decisions Software | #====================================================# COMPILING HYPERTEXT [verbose mode] I - copying file 0 test.htx... strip - ====== This is a comment ====== strip - ====== a test topic ====== `end` ~~0~#duplabel~ `end` ~~0~#duplabel~ II - reading file 0 test.tmp... 1 - end 0 3 2 - BEGIN 43 22 This is a long line which will caus... ~~0~#oversiz~ 3 - a_long_la 534 5 III - writing file 0 test.htf... 1 - THE END 1 => test/EXIT 2 - long line => test/a_long_la 3 - GO TO THE END => test/end 4 - LONG LABEL => test/a_long_la 5 - NO PLACE TO GO => test/xxxx ~~0~#ulhotw~ 6 - HELLO => test/@hello 7 - EDIT => test/@ne dump 8 - GREP => test/@grep Rat 9 - FIVE => test/@hello on 10 - DIR => test/%dir *.c 11 - THE END 2 => test/EXIT 12 - NO PLACE TO GO => test/yyyy ~~0~#ulhotw~ 13 - THE END 3 => test/EXIT ==== D O N E =========================================================== hypertext: test files: 1 hot words: 13 topics: 3 ~unlinked topics: (non-fatal)~0~#ultopic~ test - BEGIN ~duplicate labels: (non-fatal)~0~#duplabel~ test - end test - end ~unlinked hot words: (fatal)~0~#ulhotw~ test - xxxx test - yyyy ~oversize lines: (fatal)~0~#oversiz~ test - This is a long line which will caus... FATAL ERRORS: 3 `sess` `test` HYTEST - hypertext testing system ============================================================================ ~INTRODUCTION~0~test1~ ~HYPERTEST FORMAT~0~test2~ ~HYPERTEST FLAGS~0~test3~ ~HYPERTEST FILES~0~test4~ ~HYTEST KEYBOARD COMMANDS~0~test5~ ~HYTEST MENU COMMANDS~0~test6~ ~HYTEST COMMAND LINE SWITCHES~0~test7~ ============================================================================ `test` `test1` INTRODUCTION ============================================================================ By using the framework provided by HYTEST it is possible to combine instructional and evaluation materials. Tests and exams can become better teaching opportunities through the use of hypertext links to supportive material, review with commentary, pop-up definitions, and multiple paths to a "right" answer. By encouraging exploration and synthesis, hypertest authors will be able to create exams which promote learning and self-confidence. HYTEST is a hypertest interperter based on HYTEXT. A hypertest (".hts") is a modified hypertext (".htx") file. An individual hypertest can not span more than one file. Instead, the file number field is used to attach a value to each link. These values are used to arrive at a "grade" when the test is over. The examinee's answers are then replayed in order, with commentary. Most of the reserved labels and topic modifiers are available for use in a hypertest. `test1` `test2` HYPERTEST FORMAT ============================================================================ HOT WORDS ...text ~~0~#tilde~hot wordvaluelabel text... The major difference between a HYTEXT hypertext and a HYTEST hypertest is the hot word specification. Instead of a file number, each hot word (possible answer) has an associated value for scoring. The useful range of values is -100 to +100. If a question is worth 10 points, the right answer might have value 10, the wrong answer 0, and a partial credit answer 5. A value of "000" is reserved and results in a ~scoreless hypertext link~0~#noscore~. Use scoreless links to provide structure or information WITHOUT adding to the overall score. The reserved label EXIT is used to finish a hypertest and record a score. A test will proceed in a linear fashion if all the answers at each level are linked to a single topic (the next question). On the other hand, a very non-linear, open ended test will result if different answers are linked to different topics. It is possible to author a test which has multiple "right" answers, multiple lines of questioning, and tutorial support for those who need it. All types of topics are available including external programs and text. ~REVIEW HYTEXT TOPICS~0~test9~ `test2` `test3` HYPERTEST FLAGS ============================================================================ `FLAGS` 0000 ------ maximum score for percentage COLOR ------ color display COMMENT ------ turn ON commentary ( key) GOBACK ------ turn ON go back ( key) MONO ------ mono display NOLIST ------ turn OFF listing/summary NOPASS ------ turn OFF password for exit NOREPLAY ------ turn OFF answer replay RESTART ------ turn ON restart ( key) `FLAGS` ~REVIEW HYTEST DEFAULTS~0~test8~ ~REVIEW HYTEXT FLAGS~0~flagsl~ `test3` `test4` HYPERTEST FILES ============================================================================ filename.hts -------- hypertest file Use HYTEST to run a hypertest or use HYTEXT with the "-s" option to browse hypertest material without scoring. filename.lst -------- complete listing of all answers and scores filename.sum -------- summary listing of scores only Use the MS-DOS "type" command to view these files and the "print" command to produce hard copy. `test4` `test5` HYTEST KEYBOARD COMMANDS ============================================================================ The keyboard commands are all located on the numeric keypad: , , , and ------ select hot words (answers) and ---- scroll long topic -------------- jump to next topic (answer question) ---------------- jump back one topic (go back to last question) --------------- context sensitive help ------------- insert comments on/off ------------- restart hypertest at beginning In addition, this key is sometimes located on the keypad and sometimes located in the upper left corner of the keyboard: ---------------- activate ~menu~0~test6~ (NOTE: , , and must be enabled for each hypertest by using the appropriate ~"flag"~0~test3~.) `test5` `test6` HYTEST MENU COMMANDS ============================================================================ Go Back ----------- go back one level in test (same as key) Restart ----------- restart test from beginning (same as key) Insert Comments --- display any commentary present (same as key) Mono Display ------ change display to monochrome Color Display ----- change display to color Herc Display ------ change display to Hercules Help... ----------- general help Exit -------------- exit hypertest session (NOTE: The "password" to exit from a testing system is simply the hypertest name (ie the filename in "C>hytest filename").) (NOTE: Go Back, Restart, and Insert must be enabled for each hypertest by using the appropriate ~"flag"~0~test3~.) `test6` `test7` HYTEST COMMAND LINE SWITCHES ============================================================================ hytest filename --------- no options hytest -c filename ------ color display (CGA/EGA) hytest -l filename ------ turn OFF listing/summary hytest -m filename ------ mono display (non-Hercules) hytest -o filename ------ omit opening screen hytest -p filename ------ turn OFF password for exit hytest -r filename ------ turn OFF answer replay hytest -? filename ------ help screen ~REVIEW HYTEST DEFAULTS~0~test8~ `test7` `test8` HYTEST DEFAULTS ======================================================================== HYTEST defaults to a general testing behavior. Once a question is answered the examinee can NOT backtrack or restart. ~Expansion text~0~#xtext~ is used for commentary when the answers are replayed at the end of the test. Hints and supporting material can be presented WITHOUT penalty by using ~CARD topics~0~cardt~ or ~scoreless hypertext links~0~#noscore~. A hypertest session is an endless loop with HYTEST testing one examinee on each pass. Scores are recorded when the EXIT label is encountered in the file. (NOTE: There can be many "finish lines" in one test!) A replay with scores is always given unless this feature is explictly turned off. Comments OFF Display Hercules Go Back OFF Listing ON Maxscore NONE Password ON Replay ON Restart OFF HYTEST can record up to 100 answers for each hypertest. `test8` `hints` HINTS ============================================================================ o Keep individual topics small, about a screen full. Leave plenty of room on the right margin, HYTEXT can only display 77 characters out of a total of 118 on each line (total = text + hot words). o Avoid circular links. Use the special "BACK" topic to backup one level instead of jumping ahead to where you started. o Develop and debug your hypertext in default (slow) mode. Then use HYTFAST to produce a "fast" version of your work. Your original ".htx" file will not be changed and you may edit it and recompile to a fast ".htf" file as many times as you need. Remember: DO NOT edit a ".htf" file! o Use the "-b" command line switch of HYTFAST to build an end-user version of your hypertext (to sell or distribute). You will find two new files which your readers will use: "mytext.htf" (your content) and "mytext.exe" the hypertext engine. Copy these two files to a disk and have them type "mytext" to run your material. `hints` `mds` MEDICAL DECISIONS SOFTWARE Who we are: Richard Rathe MD -------- Software Development Director Cathrina Schell MD MLS -- Medical Information Director What we are: A small consulting group dedicated to improving the use of and access to medical information. We are involved in several research projects in the field of MEDICAL INFORMATICS. Where we are: MD Software 30 Harris ST, #6 Acton, MA 01720 `mds` `dis` DISCLAIMER Medical Decisions Software can not be held responsible for any use or misuse of this product. There is NO guarantee, stated or implied, that this product is suitable for any specific application. The programs HYTEXT, HYTFAST, HYT, and HYTEST and this documentation are Copyright 1988, 1989 by Richard Rathe MD // Medical Decisions Software. IBM-PC is a trademark of International Business Machines MS-DOS is a trademark of MicroSoft WordStar is a trademark of MicroPro Hercules is a trademark of Hercules Technology ~REVISION HISTORY~0~$version~ `dis` `spec` SPECIFICATIONS IBM-PC/XT/AT or compatible / MS-DOS 2.0 or greater 256K RAM / one 360K floppy disk drive Hercules monochrome display / Epson compatible printer Plain ASCII text files with imbedded control specifications 77 columns per line / file size limited by disk space ============================================================================ LIMITS (HYTEXT) 50 hot words per page / 10 jump levels / 5 secondary files ============================================================================ OPTIONS Alternative MGA display for monochrome compatibility Alternative CGA display for color compatibility Alternative ASCII output for non-Epson printers `spec` `share` As you already know, distribution of these programs is based on the SHAREWARE concept. You are welcome to use HYTEXT for evaluation and/or limited personal use. However, if you intend to develop and distribute HYTEXT materials you are strongly encouraged to ~register~0~reg~ your copy. Benefits of registration include: o latest versions of all programs o larger capacity versions of all programs o printed documentation o customer support o one free update SHAREWARE is not free or public domain software. All programs and documentation are copyright 1988, 1989 by Medical Decisions Software. We depend on your support and integrity! `share` `reg` HYTEXT v2.8 REGISTRATION ======================================================================= Price $50 (US Funds) NAME _________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________ FORMAT 5.25" disk 3.5" disk Where did you hear about us? SEND TO: MD Software 30 Harris ST, #6 Acton, MA 01720 NOTE: select "Print Topic" from the menu to print this form. `reg`