June 25
Mitchel |
Today was our longest day. We did 75 miles over a large hill that
was nearly 5000 feet tall. |
June 26
Clyde Holliday State Park |
We're in pretty country and I've got the most outrageous suntan/
sunburn. Weird experience today. We were resting by the side of the
road and up on the fence post jumps this peacock.... |
June 27
Unity Reservoir |
This heat is getting to me....It was a rough 45 miles today. Byron's
and my morale seems to be falling a bit. Today we biked over Dixie
Pass in the Blue Mountains. It was weird to go from semi-arid to coniferous
and back to semi-arid climate all in one day....The two Englishmen,
Andy and George, are very interesting. They're over here on an adventure
program with the British army. They're paid to bike across the country!
We've gone 709.7 miles so far. |
That day was the closest I came to quitting. I believe
I was suffering from heat exhaustion of some sort. I also remember
being amazed by the two Brits. They'd sit around a campfire late into
the night consuming large quantities of buttered toast and gin. Next
day they'd be up early, ready to go! |
June 29
Brownlee Dam in Hell's Canyon |
Last night [at Bishop Springs] didn't go so well. The tent we made
with a bike fell over. The ground was rough and hard and thorny. Today
all went well until we got to Hell's Canyon. My freewheel gave up.
Byron and I spent an hour and a half rebuilding it....Oh yea, we're
in Idaho!!! |
July 1
White Bird |
...Today we came down the Salmon River valley. It was beautiful.
After lunch, however, the wind picked up and we had to pedal hard
in 3rd or 4th gear to move ahead at all. |
July 2
White Bird Hill
We're just below the top right now. It was a nice ride up. I
feel good....I'm pretty sure we'll make it to Missoula by the Fourth.
July 2
Five Miles Beyond Kooskia?
We got to Grangeville quickly after an hour on top of White Bird
Hill. Their Fourth of July parade was just starting. We stayed there
quite a while....Tomorrow we're shooting for the base of Lolo Pass.
July 3
Powell |
83 miles today and two hours in the hot springs!...Gordy and Byron
went trail biking and I finally tried it...Lolo pass tomorrow and
then on to Missoula! |

Copyright 1976 & 2002 by Richard Rathe |