
  Day 0

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  Day 7




Everglades Trip 2001 - Day 4

Rogers River Bay to Plate Creek Chickee (10 Miles)

After a light breakfast, we decided to avoid the marked route and set off across the southwestern portion of Rogers River Bay. We were surprised to find that the "light breeze" had stirred up significant wave action and several waves splashed our gunnels before we reached calmer water. Unfortunately I had to pack the camera away until we reached or distination.


The remainder of the day was rather pleasant and uneventful as we finally rejoined the wilderness waterway and proceeded to the Plate Creek Chickee. This was the first time that we crossed our route from the previous year and then and now it was the nicest camp site overall. I was able to take a full bath in the clear but slightly salty water, and both of us took a well-deserved nap. Dinner was Thai noodles with tempeh. There was a beautiful sunset followed by an extremely bright full moon.