The first thing I like is the complexity of the typography on the page above.
Notice the curved outlines of “Hawkins” and “Number”, the odd mix in “Questions Answers & Illustrations”, the modern san serif all-upper case “Electricity…”, and the circular “by” near the bottom. What a feast!
The motto: “The thought is in the question. The information is in the answer.” What does that even mean?!
The 1916 Prius
I was surprised to see “gasoline-electric” mentioned on the first page!

“It is evident that the short coming in each case can be overcome only by combining the gas engine with a dynamo connected to a storage battery…” Wow! 1916 and they already had hybrids!!

Not sure why they felt hybrids weren’t good as “pleasure vehicles?” A bit of speculation here… There is no mention of having a personal vehicle for getting to work. Presumably that was achieved by walking, the “omnibus” and other forms of public transportation!
Lots of Choices
Again, in 1916… “…city delivery service is well within the limits of the electric truck built at the present time.”

Makes one wonder how the world could have been different and what we missed?!