Hello, I am Richard Rathe, MD, Associate Dean for Medical Informatics and Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine (Retired). My non-medical interests include photography, collecting quotes and back-country canoeing in the Everglades. My archived professional pages are located at rathe.medinfo.ufl.edu. Enjoy! RR
How many goodly ideas are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in’t! [with apologies to the Bard]
I started this site in 2004 as my journal of ideas, a place to catch glimpses of what I’d been thinking about over time. Links to my favorite podcasts, blogs, etc. appear in the sidebar. An RSS feed is also available.
In late 2006 I rebuilt the site from the ground up using XHTML and CSS. The original page was getting too long, so I broke it up by year. I was reasonably happy with the design and it seemed to behave well on most browsers. I also included a print style sheet to improve the appearance on paper. Support Web Standards!

In late 2008 I again rebuilt the site from the ground up using WordPress. The second generation pages were becoming to hard to maintain.

I created a new theme I call Photogrey based on Aurora by Mathew Browne. In 2010 I added the Twitter Tools plug-in by Alex King. In 2022 I left Twitter, removed Twitter Tools, and added this link to Mastodon.

This site uses the following conventions: Plain text is my own commentary. Italicized text is a direct quotation. Links to original authors and sources are provided whenever possible. If these are not available, then links to biographies and reviews are substituted. Additional credits and permissions appear below.
Camus photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson reproduced on the Washington Post Website. The use of a camel image in association with Perl is a trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc., used with permission. Book and movie covers are from the Barnes & Noble Website. Physical exam graphic by Christopher Hurt from Basic Clinical Skills. Rockwell’s Girl at the Mirror illustration from The Artchive. The food pyramid graphic was originally available to the public on Sciam.com, but disappeared after I published my original review. Other photos are from the various websites referenced in the text.
These pages are a complex mixture intellectual property from many sources. The site itself is copyright by yours truly. That said, I encourage linking, quoting, and unaltered reproduction. Various small graphics found on public web sites have been incorporated in the spirit of fair use for purposes of review and criticism. The opinions expressed here are mine alone. Medically related topics are part of the public dialog on the site and do not constitute medical advice for specific patients or conditions. You may of course feel free to share any information found here with your doctor.