The Amazing Talks of RSAnimate

I’ve been a big fan of the RSA Podcast for several years now. All of these talks are worth listening too, and many are true gems! The best have been rendered in the brilliant “animated whiteboard” style of CognitiveMediaUK. I finally figured out how to create a “channel” for them on YouTube. Here is a sample by Daniel Pink, author of the book Drive.

It blew me away the first time I viewed it. Enjoy!

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

Source: book cover

A Confederacy of Dunces is one of my all time favorites! The story behind the book is almost as improbable… a first novel by a young unknown author who then commits suicide… a mother who refuses to give up after many rejections… a little help from an academic and the NEA… once published it takes off and wins the Pulitzer Prize!

Ignatius J. Reilly is an original and compelling protagonist, a sort of perverse philosopher king (at least in his own mind!). As I recently re-read the book I made a connection that may not be coincidental. Could Ignatius have been part of the inspiration for Eric Cartman of South Park fame?!