Ten Swallow-Tailed Kites on a Communal Roost


Out on the lake a little after dawn this morning, looked over and there they were…  Swallow-Tailed Kites!  [gallery] I rushed back to get my camera thinking they’d fly away. More than an hour later I left them still preening and relaxing. I took photos until my arms got tired from holding the camera. I was surprised to see so many together, but apparently they can be quite social, sharing communal roosts near areas with lots of food.

More Swallow-Tailed Kites!!


While driving back from St. Pete, I came across this pair of Swallow-Tailed Kites soaring between large oak trees. [gallery] It’s hard to describe their graceful maneuvers as they searched for their insect prey. They looked more like butterflies than birds! Just as I was leaving two small birds (Cardinals?) finally got fed up and mobbed the larger birds to make them leave.

Short clip, but I got the pair flying together between the trees. <smile>


You may see these birds from spring to fall all over the State of Florida. It’s hard to miss them if you know what to look for! I frequently see them along I-75 anywhere the trees come up to the road. I’ve also seen them soaring over shopping malls in suburban areas?! Unlike other predatory birds (such as Red-Shouldered Hawks), which sit on a perch and suddenly pounce on their prey—these Kites glide over and between large trees. Unlike other soaring birds (such as Turkey Vultures), they fly near the ground where they are easy to see. Online references place their numbers at 2000-4000. This species adorns birding trail signs throughout the state.

Here is what I wrote in 2009 about the Ultimate Bird

Every Spring I look forward to the return of Swallow-Tailed Kites (Elanoides forficatus) from their South American sojourn. I’ve seen two so far this year. In the US this bird is almost unique to Florida, where it comes to breed. I can still remember the first time I saw one driving along a rural highway—I looked up and “Wow!” I was hooked. After giving it some thought I’ve concluded that in addition to the striking forked tail and elegance in the air, the white on black plumage creates a dazzle camouflage effect. The smaller white bird on a dark background looks dove-like or even angelic in the morning light. Always a remarkable sight!