A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

Source: book cover

A Confederacy of Dunces is one of my all time favorites! The story behind the book is almost as improbable… a first novel by a young unknown author who then commits suicide… a mother who refuses to give up after many rejections… a little help from an academic and the NEA… once published it takes off and wins the Pulitzer Prize!


Ignatius J. Reilly is an original and compelling protagonist, a sort of perverse philosopher king (at least in his own mind!). As I recently re-read the book I made a connection that may not be coincidental. Could Ignatius have been part of the inspiration for Eric Cartman of South Park fame?!


Sailing My Canoe for the First Time

And now for something completely different… sailing my canoe! I bought a kit which arrived yesterday. It adds a mast, lateen sail, stabilizers, side-boards, and a steering oar.

The rig was very responsive in light airs; made forward progress with almost undetectable wind. Got a few 3mph “gusts”, which were enough to heel the boat. Overall, a very good first impression!


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Strangely Beautiful Electro Latin Pop by Juana Molina

Source: album cover

I recently stumbled on “Un Día” by Juana Molina at my local library. The strange cover art caught my eye, and after a bit of investigation with Google I conclude it is a real photo of the artist with a doll’s face superimposed. Clever!

This is not just another latin pop album. Each track is a layered soundscape with ostinato and drone elements. She skillfully blends acoustic and electronic instruments that support her chant-like vocals nicely. On the better tracks this leads to an organic mixture that approaches the sublime. My favorite tracks are Los Hongos De Marosa [listen], the Vive Solo [listen], and ¿Quién?.

Her earlier albums (Son, Tres Cosas, and Segundo) are also good. The songs have a more traditional structure and some are straight-up ballads.