This year I went with Ross’s in-laws Tim and Terese (who are both old BWCA hands). We started on Kawishiwi Lake and proceeded along the Kawishiwi River. [Gallery]

This was a return of sorts to an area we had to evacuate in 2011 due to the Pagami Creek Fire.

The first day was rainy but we made good progress crossing the beaver dam on the river and then two long portages into Lake Polly.

From Polly we proceeded to Lake Malberg with its many angles and bays.
We camped on a small bay with a beach and a dense stand of White Cedar behind.

We took a long day trip from camp making a wide loop through Malberg and the surrounding lakes. After two relaxing days we headed back to the car by the same route we came in on.
A great time was had by all! Be sure to look at the flora photos and panoramas in the gallery!