Norman Borlaug and the Green Revolution

Norman Borlaug

What science gives, stupidity and geopolitics may take away. Norman Borlaug is the (largely unknown) hero of the last half of the twentieth century. He is credited with saving the lives of millions by developing high-yield crops and other agricultural innovations. He is one of only five who have won the Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Congressional Gold Medal.

But things may be changing. The recent spike in oil prices, coupled with a switch from food to fuel production is putting the world at risk. A series of food shortages and riots may presage what’s to come.

Norman Borlaug Quotes…

Everglades Canoe Trips 2008

White Pelicans at SunriseInstead of one long trip I took two shorter trips back to back this year. The first to Whitewater Bay was extreme in several respects. Significant wind, fog, mud, and traveling by moonlight. We were tripped up by low tide for several hours on the second day with only a Tricolor Heron for entertainment. The sunrise at North River was spectacular as small flocks of White Pelicans flew by.

The second trip to Gopher Key was a first in several ways: odd number of paddlers, canoe plus kayak, and a layover day for bushwacking. It turned out the kayak was not as desirable as we expected. Other than windy conditions, the canoe was preferred by all. New Turkey Key was disappointing due to extensive hurricane damage and sailboats with generators, but we made the best of it. On the third day we took a side trip up Charlie’s Creek to Gopher Key. It was strange, almost desert-like area, with large flocks of American Avocet and White Pelicans.