A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

Source: book cover

A Confederacy of Dunces is one of my all time favorites! The story behind the book is almost as improbable… a first novel by a young unknown author who then commits suicide… a mother who refuses to give up after many rejections… a little help from an academic and the NEA… once published it takes off and wins the Pulitzer Prize!


Ignatius J. Reilly is an original and compelling protagonist, a sort of perverse philosopher king (at least in his own mind!). As I recently re-read the book I made a connection that may not be coincidental. Could Ignatius have been part of the inspiration for Eric Cartman of South Park fame?!


Portraits of Leonardo da Vinci

A TED presentation by Siegfried Woldhek. Two of the four faces are already commonly held to be da Vinci (one as a child, one as an old man). Woldhek does some interesting comparisons to tease out other possible self-portraits, including the iconic Vitruvian Man.

A comment on the TED website points out a fifth likeness, a statue of Leonardo at the Uffizi in Florence, Italy.